Send email using shared mailbox from Outlook and OWA

In this article you will learn how to send email using shared mailbox from Outlook and Outlook Web Access (OWA).

How to send email as a shared mailbox

Before you send email using shared mailbox, please ensure you have either Send As or Send on Behalf permission on the shared mailbox as described in this article.

Send email using shared mailbox from Outlook

To send email using shared mailbox from Outlook for Microsoft 365, click New Email.

new email in outlook

Click From and click Other Email Address.

send email from shared mailbox in outlook

Type the name or email address of the shared mailbox, or click From and find the email address from the Address Book. Click OK.

from address in outlook

In the below image you can see the shared mailbox email address is added in the From field.

from email in outlook

Now you can send email using the shared mailbox email address.

Send email using shared mailbox from OWA

To send email using shared mailbox from Outlook Web Access (OWA), click New mail.

new email in OWA

Go to Options and check Show From option as shown in the below image:

show from option in OWA

Click the drop down arrow next to the From email address and click Other email address.

other email address in OWA

Click in the From field and type the name or email address of the shared mailbox and select the mailbox shown in the suggestions as shown in the below image:

add another email address in OWA

The shared mailbox email address will be added within the From field as shown below:

shared mailbox email address


In this article you learnt how to send emails using shared mailbox email address from Outlook and OWA.

You might like our other articles on Send As vs Send on Behalf vs Full Access and How to add a shared mailbox in Outlook and OWA.

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